It’s Been Four Years. It’s Time for a Shift.

Dear reader, I created this website in 2015, my sophomore year of high school. I cannot fathom the fact that I've created four (almost five) years' worth of content, writing, and online connections. When I look back at my first July post, I know that I've transformed so much as both a writer and a…

How to Combat Overwhelming Thoughts

My thoughts tend to interrupt themselves. They crash and burn on the interstate that is my brain. Yep, every day feels like a multi-car wreck when tasks, reminders, and ideas constantly weave between my neurons. Sounds relatable? I'm not surprised. People barely have time to control their surroundings let alone their own minds. We all…

The Magic of Grammar

Poor Grammar. It has such a strong, hateful stereotype, doesn't it? People call it unnecessary, ugly, devious, and even sadistic. But Grammar and its convention henchmen are actually quite helpful and vital to the English language, at least literarily. The trick is how to use it. Sometimes, people forget that the point of grammar is…

I Won a Writing Contest on [Submitting To Contests that Pay]

Great news! On, a website for writers to hone their craft, my piece "When People Watching" won first place in the June writing contest. This month's contest was supported by Endless Beautiful, an organization dedicated to inspiring writers and artists alike. You can view my winning piece here, as well as the second and…