Time is a liquid. We carry it throughout the day in our cupped hands; we slosh it around as the hours pass; we watch as droplets fall unto the ground when we stress and when we are unproductive; we watch time glide down our fingers when we procrastinate. And when the day is over, we throw our exhausted bodies onto our beds, and we realize we did nothing that day to make ourselves happy. We look down into our hands and we are surprised.

“Where did the time go?” we ask.


Oh, but we know where it is. It disappears when we consciously use it on things that truly do not matter. Things that do not make us happy.

Time is a resource we constantly take for granted. Recently, my friend and I were having a conversation regarding this topic, and she relayed an interesting perspective to me. She said, “Time isn’t the problem. Time doesn’t stop us from doing the things we want. Energy does.”

In other words, when we say there is a “lack of time” and use it as an excuse to avoid doing the things that truly matter (such as writing, creating music, drawing, going for a run, etc.) we are using it as a scapegoat. In reality, we just don’t have enough motivation to complete the tasks we want, the ones that make us happy. As a result, we are exhausted and disappointed at the end of each day.

We are setting ourselves up for failure.


To avoid feeling this way at the end of every day, make it a priority to set aside time for yourself. It is medicine for the soul. It is rejuvenation. You may claim to have a busy schedule, but there will always be time for anything you set your mind to; you just have to push yourself.

This piece of advice especially relates to my writers out there. We, including artists in general, make the excuse that there is not enough time in a day to complete everything we need to, let alone tend to our art. Well, the truth is that there are 12 hours in every day.  You can certainly afford to allot 20 minutes to something you love.

Can’t you?

Tomorrow, your hands will be filled with time once more. Time will fill up your cupped palms and we you will be expected to spend it. Do so wisely.

Let me know of any comments you have below! I’d love to hear from you.

2 thoughts on “How to “Find” Time

  1. I’m always acutely aware of how I’m spending my time. If I’m ‘wasting’ it in my own mind, I feel edgy because it means I’m putting something off. My time managment is a work in progress, but the heart of it is directed towards what I get meaning out of. I read the expression ‘meaning investment’ somewhere which fits quite well where I’m coming from. Interesting post!

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